CCW 3.0 Coming Soon

Almost 27 percent of the world’s population is under the age of fifteen. There are people in communities everywhere investing in them, believing in them and giving them skills for a better future. However, they often lack the training or resources to do so to the best of their abilities. The Celebrating Children Workshop was…

Family Resource Center

Every community benefits from a place that represents the values of its people. No one teaches us that better than Local Expert, Mary Kamanzi from Rwanda. Mary has been actively involved with child advocacy for 20 years since first coming to Kigali, Rwanda after the genocide. Besides personally tracking with over 100 orphans, she started…

Meet Ed and Kay Morales

Loom: Tell us a little about yourselves Ed & Kay: Kay was raised by missionary parents in Africa and Ed was born and raised in California. We married in 1973, and eventually joined Youth with a Mission in 1987 and our lives have taken us all around the world. We have four children and 12…

Local Experts

Local ExpertsDESCRIPTION: All it takes is one caring adult to transform the life of a vulnerable child. This underlying belief led us to the creation of our Celebrating Children Workshop, and informs the work of so many Local Experts around the world. These Local Experts are committed to children even though they have access to…

Climate Change

Climate ChangeDESCRIPTION: The UN Human Rights Council recently acknowledged that children, particularly displaced and those from migrant families, are among those most at risk to the adverse impacts of climate change. According to the World Health Organization, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year between 2030 and 2050, due to…


CorruptionDESCRIPTION: The poor and vulnerable suffer most in societies where corruption is high. Women are eight times more likely to die during child-birth in places where more than 60 per cent of people report paying bribes, compared to countries where bribery rates are less than 30 per cent. Corruption leeches around $150 billion each year…


MenstruationDESCRIPTION: According to Project Humanity, an international organization dedicated to identifying and supporting women’s empowerment projects in rural Africa, schoolgirls in Kenya miss, on average, almost a week of school every single month owing to menstruation. 70 per cent of all reproductive diseases in India are caused by poor menstrual hygiene. In many communities, the…

Food and Hunger

Food and HungerDESCRIPTION: There is an estimated 800 million people around the world that remain chronically undernourished (Center for Global Development). Although many organizations are fighting the issue of hunger in developing countries, there are many root causes that still need to be addressed such as distribution problems and the cycle of poverty and subsistence…

Domestic Violence

Domestic ViolenceDESCRIPTION: Nearly 40 percent of all murders of women worldwide are carried out by an intimate partner, according to the World Health Organization. One in three women across the globe has experienced physical or sexual violence at the hands of her partner. Women who have been physically or sexually abused by their partners are…