Next Steps for All of Us: Becoming a Lifelong Learner for the Benefit of Children at Risk

“I am totally surprised, puzzled, shocked to learn that child-related issues are global/universal!” (India) “I leave this room a different mother, employee, and child of God.”  (Kenya) “I’ve become more aware of children’s inherent dignity.” (Thailand) “I will want to call together my fellow pastors to the task of our responsibilities towards children.”  (Benin) “I…

Growing Up in India

by Nissi Undurthi   Tall coconut trees, dirt road, and small sweatshops along the narrow road–these are the images that flash before my eyes as I think of my village. Located in the coastal area of South India, my village provided for a perfect backdrop for a wonderful childhood. Fifteen years of my life there…

August Letter from the Director

In the past year Loom has seen incredible changes and expansion of our work in East Africa. This year’s annual report celebrates everything from biogas construction to an alliance of eighty-nine schools working among the most vulnerable. We celebrate the innovation, sacrifice, and tenacity of our partners who are committed to seeing their communities become…