Children At Risk, Cambodia
In Cambodia, Local Experts Tim and Melanie run a project called Children At Risk. They seek to bring value back to the poor through mercy ministries, empowering them through opportunities of education, and bringing them the life-changing hope of Christ. This is done through community development projects, healthcare, school sponsorship, kids clubs, youth groups, parenting classes, building homes for the homeless, wells, home bible studies, and community intercession. Currently they disciple 12 other staff, and have started working in 3 other villages in Cambodia.
For children growing up in a slum, surrounded by gambling, prostitution, and gang activity, it often feels hopeless for any kind of change. Yet change is happening in these communities by the grace of God!
- For Tim and Melanie as they step out of their everyday roles to disciple the local staff to step up in leadership and spread across Cambodia.
- For wisdom as they foster their niece and homeschool all four kids. Pray they will grow up with hearts in love with Jesus.
- For peace and justice during this summer’s election as they face great political corruption and unrest